How do you use BECOME for Year 10 subject selection?

BECOME has a new and powerful program for Year 10s offering support and a robust framework to inform subject selection discussions.

Thumb_Yr10_BYOCAJournal_500x400What if Year 10 subject selections were a chance to have a robust discussion with students who have already examined their motivations, looked at their aspirations, explored some options and even researched some of the many potential pathways into a career area that excites them right now?

What if you never had to hear 'I haven't really thought of it' again?

While that's a worst-case scenario, it happens all too often.

BECOME Your Own Careers Advisor is new, and has been specially created for the students approaching subject selection who need to look broader, think deeper, challenge assumptions or unexamined expectations (perhaps from parents or others) about their career trajectory, and begin to take charge for themselves.

BECOME Your Own Careers Advisor (or BYOCA as we call it!) is a highly self-reflective version of the BECOME program for this age and maturity, when things are beginning to get real.

BYOCA requires 10 sessions and powers students to come to the moment of subject selection with a plan that is considered, researched and yet has enough openness to show multiple pathways into the broad area of an occupation (rather than focusing on a pinpoint decision/tight goal that may be unrealistic or unconsidered).

Students are able to bring their BYOCA Journal or portfolio to subject selection discussions, and it documents:

  • Reflections on career expectations, motivation and influences or bias limiting their thinking
  • A self-assessment of how broadly and widely they have looked at career ideas
  • Reflections on career ideas that excite them right now - even if there are lots!
  • Documentation of the student Log in the app with why they have selected certain career areas
  • A flexible plan that allows for change and opportunity to naturally arise, but that helps a student see their best next steps in a general direction chosen by themself.


Read more about where BECOME fits into the curriculum.