Is BECOME a career test?

No. BECOME is a holistic program that helps participants to become more aware of career opportunities, examine their own personal aspirations, and take agency over designing a future that is exciting and motivating for them.

BECOME is very different to common career-related and psychometric career guidance tools.

It is a program, typically delivered by educators in an education or coaching environment.

BECOME includes robust activities and a dynamic student web app that is used to explore over 55,000 careers. These tools and activities, plus personal reflection tools help each individual uncover patterns in their motivations and career ideas.

The BECOME program is organised into teaching sequences that are ready to roll out with students in years 5-10, and a program for elite athletes. It is in use in schools and universities in Australia and New Zealand, as well as in several sporting associations and special education institutions.pd_schoolleaders_alevision-co-650x370

  • BECOME helps young people to explore the wide world of work options - because narrow ideas about work is one of the most common problems relating to careers.
  • BECOME's teaching resources enable non-career specialists to teach BECOME - making it easier to implement the program across multiple learning areas.
  • BECOME has been proven to lead to gains in student confidence and optimism about the future - learn more about this here in our OECD paper.

Find out more about the BECOME program.