Configure your SSO portal for BECOME

Staff and students can be directed to your SSO portal from our login screens

Hopefully you've been expecting a look at BECOME Education technical details to support deployment at your school.

We recommend configuring our apps on your IAM system using OpenID Connect (OIDC) since this is simple to deploy and is based on OAuth 2.0.

The basic info you need about our system

  • OpenID Redirect URL (our legacy system)*:
  • OpenID Redirect URLs (post-migration) for customers in Australia and New Zealand:
  • Email Claim: email
  • Scope: openid

* Due to our June-July 2024 migration onto Microsoft Entra, we are asking: 1) all existing SSO integrated customers to add the 'post-migration' Redirect URL while maintaining the legacy URL; 2) all new SSO integrations configured during the migration period to add both the legacy and post-migration Redirect URL.  There will be no need to remove the legacy callback after migration.

This is the info you need to provide to us at, along with your contact details and school name / location:

  • Client Id
  • Client Secret (secret key or password, not the secret ID)
  • URL for endpoint discovery / metadata document.

You might also want to check out Active Directory SSO illustrated setup guide